June 1, 2022
A new, fully-funded bursary for people who face barriers to starting a business has been launched across Islington.
Square One is an initiative funded and run by coworking and small business experts, Town Square Spaces Ltd (TownSq), which also operates the TownSq Islington business hub and coworking space, where the support will be based.
The support package contains everything an individual needs to start and grow a business, including full-time desk space with high-speed internet access for three months, one-to-one business support, bi-weekly check-in and goal setting sessions, enrolment into the expert-led Startup Club programme and access to networking and special events.
To be eligible, individuals need to be either pre-start or within their first two years of trading, be within a short commute of the coworking space at Old Street Yard and they must feel they face a barrier to starting their business.
Anna Chuicharoen, Community manager at TownSq, said they hope the bursary will encourage those who might not usually take the leap, to consider entrepreneurship. “Starting a business is not always about growing an empire and becoming a household name. For many, owning their own business is just about earning a decent living, doing something they love at a schedule that suits them.
“However, starting a business can be tough and there are many barriers, be they financial, time or simply space to work. It can also be hard to know where to begin - that’s where working around people who have already solved the very challenges you are facing can become an invaluable advantage.
“We’d encourage anyone who has recently launched or has the desire to start a business but is struggling to put the pieces together, to get in touch with us and see how we can help.”
For more information, or to apply for the bursary you can go to townsq.co.uk/squareone, call 02080 50 0115 or email islington@townsq.co.uk.